Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Chalerm returns to Politics

Defeated Bangkok mayoral candidate and father of three of the most notorious juvenile deliquents in Thai history, Chalerm Yoobamrung, has started a new political party, the New Alternative Party. He says intends to attract those who are tired of the current mainstream political parties, which sounds remarkably similar to the supposed intention of the pathetic Mahachon party.

Speculation in the Nation has it that the new party may be intended to bring together Sanan's Mahachon party, a large clique of senators headed by Manoonkrit Roopkachorn (both men being from the same military graduating class as Chalerm), and a number fo dissaffected factions in the TRT (Wang Nam Yen, Wang Nam Yom, Lum Takong, and Pho Mod Dum).


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