Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Supinya trial

The trial of the young journalist who wrote a series of articles detailing the close relationship between SHIN Corp, owned by the SHINawatra family, and the government, headed by Prime Minister Thaksin SHINawatra, continues.

SHIN Corp is suing her for 400 million baht, accusing her of libel. Of course, it is very difficult to see how 400 million baht damage could have been done by a few newspaper articles to a corporation of SHIN's size. In fact the articles are really only damaging to the government and Mr. SHINawatra himself.

No-one with any grip on reality could miss the fact that Supinya is actually being sued by the SHINawatra family, not SHIN Corp which is simply serving as a front for their personal interests in this matter.

And that is disgraceful. The damage to the reputation of both SHIN Corp and SHINawatra himself by their pursuit of this libel case will far outweigh anything caused by Ms. Supinya's articles, as it shows the great leader up as only a great bully.


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