Monday, August 29, 2005

Press Conference or Game Show?

PM Thaksin again demonstrates his disdain for the press during the first of his new program of regular press conferences for both the foreign and Thai media. Hopes that the new format might improve comunication between the PM and the press were dashed once again as the PM chose to treat the event as simply one more opportunity behave as an arrogant prat.

The gimmick this time consisted of two cards brought back from Japan by Thaksin's spoiled brat of a son, apparently borrowed from a Japanese game show. As one reporter asked a question about foreign involvement in the unrest in the South, Thaksin help up one of the cards which had a blue cross on it, pronounced the question "not constructive", and then ignored it by asking for the next question. Questions which the PM liked were rewarded with a red circle (and an answer).

Thaksin later explained that he meant this to be humourous and to relieve the tension in the room. He didn't want journalists to be "too serious". At least some of the journalists in the room didn't get the "joke", and rather thought that the PMs behaviour was patronizing and insulting.

The Nation points out that while the format was not appreciated by the print media and foreign journalists, it recieved good reviews from all TV stations. After all, surely game shows attract more viewers that the news.

When Thaksin visits George Bush next week, perhaps he can pass on some good ideas to the equally moronic president of the US, another leader who likes to avoid questions that are "not constructive".

Monday, August 22, 2005

Who is he screwing?

Copied from The Nation, without comment.

Thai Rak Thai MP to ask party ministers over report of enlarged penis

Published on Aug 22 , 2005

A Thai Rak Thai Party MP plans to ask ministers of the party whether any of them have received a silicone injection to enlarge his penis.

Surachart Chamnarnsilp from Udon Thani said the issue had tarnished the party's reputation so he would ask Thai Rak Thai ministers during a party meeting today whether any of them had used such surgery service.

Surachart was commenting on a claim by a woman, Raweewan Satakrak, that a member of the current Cabinet had received a silicone injection on his penis from the same cosmetic clinic which treated her.

Raweewan last week called on the minister to come forward and testify in a defamation case in which the woman was named a defendant.

"If a Thai Rak Thai minister used such service, the party's image would be badly damaged. The one who did it should take responsibility and resign now," Surachart said.

"I will raise the issue during a party meeting tomorrow [Tuesday]. Although it's personal affair, a minister is a public a figure and should be a role model instead of behaving like this."

Thaksin's Cabinet members are mostly Thai Rak Thai members, except a few outsiders who are technocrats and businessmen.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Supinya trial

The trial of the young journalist who wrote a series of articles detailing the close relationship between SHIN Corp, owned by the SHINawatra family, and the government, headed by Prime Minister Thaksin SHINawatra, continues.

SHIN Corp is suing her for 400 million baht, accusing her of libel. Of course, it is very difficult to see how 400 million baht damage could have been done by a few newspaper articles to a corporation of SHIN's size. In fact the articles are really only damaging to the government and Mr. SHINawatra himself.

No-one with any grip on reality could miss the fact that Supinya is actually being sued by the SHINawatra family, not SHIN Corp which is simply serving as a front for their personal interests in this matter.

And that is disgraceful. The damage to the reputation of both SHIN Corp and SHINawatra himself by their pursuit of this libel case will far outweigh anything caused by Ms. Supinya's articles, as it shows the great leader up as only a great bully.

Latest idiotic plan

The governments latest moronic plan to resolve the violence in the deep south is to supply 500-1000 free TV sets to tea shops in the south, complete with cable feeds. The theory is that potential Muslim insurgents will be too busy watching English Premier League football to be bothered with planting bombs or shooting school teachers.

According to the new Interior Minister, Kongsak Wattana

"Most children love watching sports on TV, but they can’t afford them at home. So we are giving them what they love, hoping it can solve the problem.”

Members of the opposition and of the National Reconciliation Commission have commented that the insurgency has causes far more complicated that not having enough football to watch on TV.

Making peace just like making money

Thaksin, quoted in today's Nation. Quite indicative of the man's mentality -

Thaksin declared his plans to bring peace and prosperity to Thailand and the region were the same as running a business.

“While the goal of politics is democracy, the goal of business is capitalism. Politics resides in government and business resides in companies. Politics needs groups to gain power and business needs mergers,” he said.