Saturday, December 31, 2005

Empty promises from the PM

Thaksin has promised that he would give enough time to any MPs who wanted to leave TRT to join another party before calling a snap election, but is opposed to amending the constitution to do away with the 90 days rule. Given that the constitution requires an election to be held within 60 days of a dissolution of parliament, the PM's promise cannot be seen as anything other than complete bullshit.

Friday, December 30, 2005

Sanoh criticizes Thaksin

Sanoh Thienthong of the TRT's Wang Nam Yen faction has criticized Thaksin for not accepting calls to amend the 90 day rule. Sanoh's commented that the rule is useful when a good leader is in place but has become a virtual prison under a leader like Thaksin, who demands complete obedience.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

"Reality TV" Thai style

The PM plans to go to Roi Et to hold an anti-poverty workshop which will be broadcast 24 hours a day. The PM will sleep in a tent among the locals to demonstrate what a down-to-earth kind of guy he is.

Tow the line or leave

Thaksin has said that any TRT MPs opposed to the 90 day rule should leave the party. Some TRT MPs, eager to show their loyalty to the PM have called for the expulsion of Sophon Phetsawang for daring to express an opinion outside the boundaries of what Thaksin has prescribed.

Sophon has promised to shut up about it. Democracy in action - TRT style.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Chalerm returns to Politics

Defeated Bangkok mayoral candidate and father of three of the most notorious juvenile deliquents in Thai history, Chalerm Yoobamrung, has started a new political party, the New Alternative Party. He says intends to attract those who are tired of the current mainstream political parties, which sounds remarkably similar to the supposed intention of the pathetic Mahachon party.

Speculation in the Nation has it that the new party may be intended to bring together Sanan's Mahachon party, a large clique of senators headed by Manoonkrit Roopkachorn (both men being from the same military graduating class as Chalerm), and a number fo dissaffected factions in the TRT (Wang Nam Yen, Wang Nam Yom, Lum Takong, and Pho Mod Dum).

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

90 Day Rule

Thai Rak Thai MP Sophon Phetsawang, a member of Wang Nam Yom, is petitioning the PM to change the constitutional rule that requires a person to be a registered member of a political party before being able to stand for election for that party.

There has been a rising level of discomfort with this rule within the TRT as many see it as a political straightjacket preventing them from speaking and acting independently of the PM, turning them into little more than yes-men.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Thaksin and the Thaksi Drivers

Thaksin continues to win over the support of the all-important taxi driver demographic with a large party and giveway at Huamark Stadium. About 10,000 drivers attended, drawn by the chance to win houses and new cars paid for straight out of the benevolent PM's own pocket.

He told the taxi drivers that the people calling for him to leave office were simply a handful of "sore losers", and claimed he would still be in office "even after their death". (!)

Meanwhile, rumours continue to fly that the Wang Nam Yom faction of the TRT has been considering splitting off from the TRT and forming a new, separate political party. These rumours have been denied by the leaders of the Wang Nam Yom itself.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Protestors clash with police near Thaksin's house

A group of about 200 protesters who had earlier attended Sondhi's weekly Lumpini Park speech were blocked by anti-riot police as they approached Thaksin's residence. The protestors were opposed to the planned privatisation of EGAT and demanded Thaksin's resignation.

Another group of about 200 people from Chiang Rai had earlier tried to disrupt Sondhi's event at Lumpini. The group was reportedly organized by a former Thai Rak Thai MP Pichet Chuamuangphan.

Responding to those who have criticized him and questioned his motivation because of his earlier support of Thaksin, Sondhi apologized for his earlier "foolishness" in having once supported the PM and insisted that his current opposition to Thaksin stemmed only from his realzation that Thaksin was damaging the country.

Meanwhile, though Thaksin has withdrawn his lawsuits against Sondhi after some not so subtle hints from the King, Sondhi now has to deal with a new libel lawsuit from Deputy Transport Minister PhumTham, who Sondhi has accused of being involved in various corrupt deals in Chiang Mai.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Tax Breaks for the Shinawatra family

Senator Chirmsak Pinthong has called for the punishment of officials who exempted members of the ruling family from paying over 5 billion baht in taxes on capital gains in Shin Corp shares. This followed complaints by a small investor who had been required by the tax department to pay tax on capital gains under very similar (but involving much smaller transactions) circumstances as those from which the Shin family had been granted exemptions.

Prime Minister Profiteer

In his latest speech at Lumpini Park, Sondhi Limthongkul has accused Thanong Bidaya, finance minister in the Chavalit government of 1997, of being the one who tipped off Thaksin to the impending devaluation of the baht. This inside knowledge allowed Shin Corp to not only avoid the fate of so many other Thai companies that failed in the devaluation aftermath, but to greatly profit from it. Thanong is the prime suspect as the one who tipped Thaksin off to this because he was a former senior financial officer at Shin Corp, and was chosen by Chavalit as finance minister on Thaksin's recommendation. Sondhi has asked Thanong to explain to the public what happened in 1997 because they have suffered and deserve to know.

The fact that Thaksin was one of the major financial beneficiaries of the 1997 baht devaluation has been an open secret for some years now, but it has taken Sondhi to resurrect it and make sure the public does not forget.

Sondhi also accused Deputy Tranport Miister Phumtham Wechayachai of using his position to allocate 70% of the shares to the Thai Maritime Navigation Company to his friends and cronies and of forcing the PTT to allocate their shipping to the company.

Sondhi called on Thaksin to resign and led the 20,000 strng crowd in a chant of "out , out, out!"