Saturday, May 14, 2005

Bad Press

Thaksin continues to exacerbate his own problems by refusing to keep his mouth shut, this time over the Matichon headline about the World Bank good governance report.

The Thai Journalists Association responded to Thaksin's earlier criticism of Matichon by issuing a statement accusing the PM of once again trying to intimidate and muzzle the press when he called the headline "inaccurate" and not respectful of the government. The statement went on to say that both the article and the headline were an accurate account of the World Bank report which is freely available on the World Bank website.

The TJA statement also suggested that rather than spending his time criticizing the press for simply doing it's job, Thaksin might better spend his time in the fight against corruption, and that he might use the information contained in the World Bank report to improve Thailand's situation.

All too predictably, Thaksin responded to the TJA by claiming that the deputy editor of Matichon used his "influence" as Vice-President of the TJA to issue the statement in retaliation for his comments on the headline. Thaksin seems to think that he is the only person who should be allowed to make public statements and criticisms of others? Thaksin is not using his "influence" and Prime Minister of the country to do these things?

Furthermore, he claims that the TJA has blown the issue into a big deal. Of course, it would have simply been a one day headline in one newspaper had Thaksin himself not started the whole thing off with his own initial criticism of Matichon. Is Thaksin really incapable of grasping this?

The icing on the cake is the following words of advice from the great leader :

“It is okay if you want to attack me, but please think of the country. If there is another economic recession, as there has been in the past, you will see a lot of crowded garage sales [filled with jobless journalists]. I am just a little disappointed,”

So in other words the coming economic recession will not be Thaksin's fault, it will all be down to these pesky and unpatriotic journalists who insist on reporting the facts!

Showing a maturity and restraint that seems to be completely beyond the grasp of Thaksin, the deputy editor of Matichon who has been the subject of Thaksin's incoherent ranting (Prasong) said that he did not want to comment on the issue, telling the Nation

“It is not a personal issue. I am not a child and will not take the matter as a personal issue,”


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