Saturday, January 07, 2006

No More Playing Politics

Says the PM -

“Whoever wants to play politics may play. Play to your heart’s content. [But] I will not. I will concentrate on performing my duties or I cannot defeat poverty. In the last half of 2009, I will focus on politics because of the upcoming general election,”

Friday, January 06, 2006

Free trade protests in Chiang Mai

About 10,000 people are expected to protest the bilateral free trade talks being held in Chiang Mai. Opponents of the agreement believe it will harm farmer's livelihoods by allowing patented genetically modified crops to flood the market and replace those currently being produced by small-scale Thai farmers who would not be able to compete.

Does the TRT really have concern for farmer's well-being?

Sanoh tells MPs to be independent

Snoh Thienthong has told MPs from his Wang Nam Yen faction (about 30 of them) to not vote for "those who do wrong to the country", clearly meaning Thaksin. It is believed that he is trying to get himself and his faction members expelled from the TRT so that they would be free to join another political party without being subjet to the 90 day rule, as they would be if they simply resigned.

It remains to be seen whether Thaksin will take the bait.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Apirak popular but TRT still leads in Bangkok

An ABAC poll shows a high level of approval of the performance of Bangkok governor Apirak of the Democrat party but also shows that the TRT maintains a significant lead over the Democrats in national politics (46% to 37%).