Monday, April 04, 2005

TRT Faction Enlists Democrat Support

Denials have been issued by TRT party officials, including the PM, that there is any discord within the ruling party. However, the Bangkok Post reports that the Wang Nam Yom faction has turned to Democrat MP Vallop Thaineua for information that could incriminate current Agriculture Minister Sudarat Keyuraphan in the 900 million baht Public Health Ministry computer procurement scandal, which took place while Mrs Sudarat was Public Health Minister. Dr. Vallop had been permanent secretary at the ministry but was removed by the minister over the scandal.

The move against Sudarat came after she raised suspicions about corruption in the Agriculture Ministry while it was the portfolio of Somsak Thepsuthin, a member of the Wang Nam Yom faction and currently Tourism and Sports minister. Perhaps Mrs. Sudarat never heard the one about people in glass houses.

Meanwhile, party official Vichit Plangsrikul has petitioned the TRT ethics panel to investigate deputy PM Pramual Rujanaseri, a Wang Nam Yen member, for writing a book seen as critical of PM Thaksin - exactly how being critical of Thaksin is something relevant to an ethics panel is apparently something on those inside the TRT can understand. The move by Vichit is salt in the wound inflicted in the earlier conflict between Wang Nam Yen and Thaksin loyalists when the PM removed faction leader Snoh Thienthong as chief party whip, naming him "honorary" chief party whip instead. Snoh said at the time that he found the title "insulting".

All this internal conflict may be encouraging to opponents of the Thai Rak Thai, but could it simply be a TRT plot to divert attention away from the real opposition (the Democrats). I can imagine Thaksin claiming that the country does not need an opposition party since there is so much debate and opposition within the TRT itself!

If not, Thaksin will need to enforce some discipline soon, before his creation starts coming apart at the seams.

Public Losing Faith in Thaksin?

A new poll condcted by ABAC shows that almost 60% of respondents think that Thaksin will be unable to solve the problem of poverty, as he has promised to do by 2008. Over 55% believe he will be unable to solve the problems of rising oil prices and corruption.

What is most surprising is that so many people still actually think he might be able to do these things.

The poll apparently did not ask whether Thaksin could solve the problem of violence in the South. Particularly after the recent events in Hat Yai, one would think almost nobody would have much faith in Thaksin's ability in this respect but I suspect that there would still be a good 30-40% still clinging to their irrational belief in the man's abilities.

Terrorism Spreads from the Deep South

Only a week after Thaksin's admission that his hard-line policies in the deep south were a mistake, three powerful bombs have been set off in Hat Yai, including at the airport. Early reports say one person has been killed and dozens have been injured, some very seriously.

This is the first time Muslim terrorists have carried out operations outside of the three provinces of the deep south, Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwat. Some of the injured include European tourists, increasing the possibility that the bombings will affect the tourism industry.

Will these events cause Thaksin to go back towards a more hardline policy?